I kinda hate that this is going to be my second post, but something happened to me yesterday that was a big wake-up call.
Yesterday, I had a conflict with one of my "friends." In no way was she or has she been a "true" friend but she was 1 out of the 2 girl friends I have here in Hawaii. Her fiance is a really good friend of Justin and I. He is a Marine and was deployed to Afghanistan. I was going through a deployment at the time as well so her and I became good friends. We would go to the gym together, shop together, and other "girl stuff" like that. She would always let me know when she heard from her fiance and would tell me how their relationship was going. Finally, a little over a week ago, her fiance came home. It was a very happy time and I was very thankful God brought him home safely.
However, not even a week since he had been back him and his fiancee started having fights. He had smoked all throughout the deployment and was in the process of trying to stop. Now, I've never smoked but I know it's really hard to quit and takes time. After 4 days of not having one cigarette he asked his fiancee if he could have a cigarette. She blew up on him. To make an already too long story short, they fought all throughout the weekend.
Since both of them were my friends, I was worried about them. I wanted to make sure that they were able to work things out. So I sent her a text message on Monday asking just that. "Hey. I was just wondering if you guys were able to work everything out." That's all I said. I didn't hear anything from her so on Tuesday I sent the same text message to her fiance. A few hours later he sent me one back saying "Yes. I'll explain later." Ok. So I was happy. They were doing good again and that's all I wanted to know.
Then Wednesday rolled around...
I could tell my friend was pissed off at someone by her statuses on Facebook. I saw her fiance was online so I asked him if she was mad at me since she never sent me a text message back the other day. Evidently, she was very pissed off at me. You want to know why? Two reasons.
1. I asked both her and her fiance if they were able to work things out.
2. It's a long story, but she didn't believe me when I said I didn't know it was only 20 minute parking at the pass house.
Her fiance was trying his best to calm her down. He was obviously on my side and was very confused as to why she was pissed off. Mind you, she never mentioned this to me at all. So I decided to be the mature one and confront her about it. I sent her an email explaining my side. Next thing I know she calls me up and starts yelling at me. Telling me that I shouldn't of asked about the fight. That they didn't want to talk about it. I told her that I never asked about the fight, that I had only asked if they were able to work things out. That's all I asked. I even told her to look up the text message I sent her. But no. She says, "I know. But we didn't want to talk about the fight. It's a respect thing. Don't ask about the fight." After listening to her saying the same thing over and over again for about 15 minutes I was tired of it and realized I had to be the mature one again here and just tell her, "Ok. I get it! When/if you guys every have a fight again. I won't ask about it!"
Mind you, the whole time her fiance is apologizing to me for the way she's acting. I'd also like to add the fact that she's 26 and has a kid. And here I am having to be the mature one. I won't get into the second reason because this is already getting too long, but it's even more ridiculous than the first reason.
I am still in shock that this happened. I really do not know what I did wrong. I guess the only lesson I could learn from this is to not be friends with spoiled rotten brats who always expect to get their way. After the way she has acted, I doubt our relationship will ever be the same. If she wants to be friends with me she's going to be starting from square one. That is, IF I give her a second chance.
Sometimes we just need to go through our friends and get rid of the ones that bring too much drama.
Drama is always a bad thing.
Period. End of story.
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